Source code for yayaml.exceptions

"""Custom exceptions and exception handling"""

from typing import Callable, List, Tuple

import ruamel.yaml
from ruamel.yaml.constructor import ConstructorError
from ruamel.yaml.representer import RepresenterError

# -- Custom exception types ---------------------------------------------------
# Aliases for now:

RepresenterError = ruamel.yaml.representer.RepresenterError
ConstructorError = ruamel.yaml.constructor.ConstructorError

# -- Error hints --------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def raise_improved_exception( exc: Exception, *, hints: List[Tuple[Callable[[Exception], bool], str]] = [], ) -> None: """Improves the given exception by appending one or multiple hint messages. The ``hints`` argument should be a list of 2-tuples, consisting of a unary matching function, expecting the exception as only argument, and a hint that is part of the new error message. """ matching_hints = [] for match_func, hint in hints: if match_func(exc): matching_hints.append(hint) if matching_hints: _hints = "\n".join(f" - {h}" for h in matching_hints) raise type(exc)( str(exc) + f"\n\nHint(s) how to resolve this:\n{_hints}" ) from exc # Re-raise the active exception raise
# ............................................................................. YAML_ERROR_HINTS: List[Tuple[Callable[[Exception], bool], str]] = [ ( lambda e: "expected ',' or ']'" in str(e), "Did you include a space after the YAML tag defined in that line?", ), # # Default case, always true: ( lambda e: True, "Read the error message above for details about the error location.", ), ] """These are evaluated by :py:func:`.raise_improved_exception` and from within :py:func:`.load_yml`. Entries are of the form ``(match function, hint string)`` and can also be added via :py:func:`.add_yaml_error_hint`. """
[docs]def add_yaml_error_hint(match_func: Callable[[Exception], bool], hint: str): """Adds an error hint for YAML error messages.""" # Take into account that the last match function will always be true in the # case of the YAML error hints YAML_ERROR_HINTS.insert( max(0, len(YAML_ERROR_HINTS) - 1), (match_func, hint), )